After this, you could check if that color is red by some metric (ex. if red value is 4 times greater than blue/green). Then when you apply the final color step, use a red gradient texture if the screen color is red
if( <screen_col is red> )
final_col = texture(u_color_tex_reds, vec2(col_sample, 0.5)).rgb;
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is there a way to customize the colors a bit more? so for example blood splatters from enemies would stay red for contarst
The screen color is retrieved here:
After this, you could check if that color is red by some metric (ex. if red value is 4 times greater than blue/green). Then when you apply the final color step, use a red gradient texture if the screen color is red
Something like that should work
Does anyone know how to get the dithers to work in 4.0+? They seem to just break and I'm not sure why
Oh I found the answer in someone else's reply on the godot shader's website
To make work with Godot 4 change line 9 from
Nice man i love you work
Brilliant and very helpful. Thank you :
Thank you so much!